

The summer school will consist of three advanced courses from topical areas of game theory (click on the courses for their description):


Each course will be a total of 6 hours long and spread over 3 days, with 4 lectures each day.

Important Information

Who can apply?

We welcome applications from PhD students  and postdoctoral researchers across all domains of game theory. Advanced research or academic achievements are not required to participate in the summer school. Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of game theory and/or related technical disciplines.

What is the cost of attending?

There will not be any registration fee for the event (summer school and workshop). Food (coffee breaks and lunch) and any additional activities will be covered by the organization. However, students are responsible for their travel and accommodation. If you require a scholarship due to funding constraints at your university, please contact

How do I submit my application?

Applications are closed.

Applications must be submitted online, including a CV, a motivation letter, and a supporting letter. 

The supporting letter can be from your PhD/Postdoc advisor or a course lecturer, briefly evidencing your aptitude and background, as well as how you would benefit from the summer school courses. Please submit your application via the link below.

Application Deadline:  March 1, 2024 (Friday) 22h00 CET
Acceptance Notification: April 1, 2024 (Monday)

Should I participate in the workshop as well?

Yes, students are invited and expected to participate in the two-day workshop on June 27 and 28. Food and extra activities will also be covered during these two days.

Flash talks and poster session

Students are invited to present their work in a 3~5 minutes flash talk on June 27 (Thursday) during the workshop. The flash talk will be followed by a poster session during the lunch break. Participation in these sessions is not mandatory, but presenting students will receive priority in the summer school selection process. If a student presents, they must participate in both sessions (flash talk and poster), and a two page long abstract must be included in the application.  An award will be given for the best poster.